The Client Process at Dynamic Résumé Solutions
Dynamic Résumé Solutions is a virtual business that provides convenient and flexible communication options for busy clients. When working with us, we’ll communicate via email and phone to create your professional
résumé and customized marketing documents.
1. You’ll schedule a no-obligation phone consultation to talk to me.
Primarily through my Online Scheduler, you will book a 20-minute, no-obligation phone consultation to briefly discuss your unique background, career goals, résumé needs, and typical project investment. To optimize the time on our call, you will be asked to email your existing résumé to me.
2. You and I will determine if we are a “good fit” to work together during our call.
During this call, we will briefly discuss your experience and career goals. Each client’s project is customized based on the project complexity and scope of work, so information such as Job Descriptions and/or Job Announcements may be required before an exact quote can be provided. Your investment in career services takes into account my deep expertise working with clients at your level and the time it takes to develop and collaborate on your highly customized and strategic career marketing document to compete in today’s job market.
3. You’ll review and then sign and return my Work Authorization Form.
Your Work Authorization Form (aka Proposal), which will arrive via email, will outline the requested service(s) or package you chose as well as other service details, such as turnaround time and payment authorization (I accept all major credit cards). Once you sign and return the form, I will send you my proprietary Career Worksheets for you to complete at your earliest possible opportunity.
4. You’ll then “walk through” the information-gathering process for your Career Background.
You will be asked to fill out the Career Worksheets and provide supplemental information, as needed. Collaboration on your project and the writing of your résumé commences when I receive all requested background data. Should you have any questions while completing the worksheets, I am always available to assist.
5. You’ll receive ongoing collaboration and communication.
You will have unlimited email access to me, Darlene Dassy, during the course of working together on your project. If questions arise while completing the worksheets, let me know. I will also contact you via email and/or phone if I need further information to complete the résumé. However, many times the questions are minor enough that I can incorporate them directly into the résumé proof.
6. You’ll finalize your document with me after you have reviewed your résumé proof.
You can expect an MS Word attachment in an email within 10 to 15 business days after completion of the Career Worksheets. You’ll review your document within 10 days of receipt and request any changes, if necessary. I will revise within 24 to 48 hours…then you’re ready to move forward with your job search. If you have further invested in your career with job search and interview prep, we will then schedule our first coaching session.